Sunday, June 30, 2013


Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days, I've just been busy. This video explains it all:

Yes, I'm moving all my movie, game, and book reviews from my YouTube channel to here, my blog.

So yesterday, I saw Monsters University with my parents and my 6-year-old niece, Sophia. She liked it, and it was actually pretty good. This calls for a review....

Fact Box-About Monsters University
Genre [s]: Animation, Comedy
Running Time: 104 min [1 hr 44 min]
Starring: John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Helen Mirren
Summary: Mike Wachowski is finally going to college at Monsters University, and wants to become a scarer, until he runs into his future best friend, and there could be some tough competition.
Rating: G
Release Date [s]: June 21, 2013

Warning: I'll try not to do spoilers, but just in case, skip through some parts of this review.

Monsters University is a Disney Pixar animated film set as the prequel to the 2001 Pixar animated film Monsters Inc. This movie stars Mike Wachowski [voiced by Billy Crystal], a young monster trying to follow his dreams of becoming a scarer at Monsters University. That's until he meets James P. Sullivan [voiced by John Goodman], a monster who comes from a legendary scaring family, and doesn't think he has to try to become a scarer. That's until two clash and compete in the top place, but
soon realize they have to work together, to become what they want. Meeting friends down the way, the ones in their serenity house, they're able to become best friends, discovering each other along the way.
         I'm a fan of Pixar films, and this was one the best ones I've seen. The story and writing was good, and fit the movie together perfectly. The characters were more realistic than the last one, and you could start to see how they felt, and their feelings, and you actually started connecting with them. There were some parts in there that anyone could connect with, the feeling of loneliness, unpopular, wanting to become something other people don't think you are, conflict with others, wanting to win so bad, and being crushed by too much self-confidence. The writing in this film gives examples of all those in such a perfect way.
        The film was funny, and definitely suiting for kids, but it gave kids a first look on what college would be like, having a serenity house, and how college parties, people, and teachers were like. Except it put it in a creative way, with monsters, and how they want to all become scarers.
         There was nothing really wrong with the movie. I think basically everything in it played perfectly well with themselves. The humor, as well as the seriousness of the film, the story, as well as the themes balanced each other out. No wonder it took 4 people to write this film.
          Overall, Monsters University was a really good animated film that linked humor and serious themes together perfectly. It was a good prequel to Monsters Inc. and now I understand the whole story. I'd give Monsters University.......

8 out of 10

Here's a photo gallery and trailer below:

Mike and Sully are about to enter their
college years

Sully chases Mike riding on his pet monster
pig that went on the run
Mike is all packed for college

Mike and Sully's rival serenity house, ROR,
is up for some tough competition from
Mike and Sully's serenity house, OK
Figuring out one another makes them become
best friends even if they were rivals
at the beginning

Here's some behind the scene footage:
A team of animators try to put together some scenes
using computer animation
Animators get inspiration from artwork they
drew in the past, especially getting inspiration
of how to draw the monsters
Here's some more reviews:

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