Sunday, August 17, 2014


11. Pan's Labyrinth

Yes, this is a fantasy film, but definitely not a family-friendly one. Guillermo del Toro gives this tale a dark but compelling twist. Some people don't like foreign movies/subtitles, but trust me, it's a must-see. It follows a young girl named Ofelia on a journey to becoming the princess of a fantasy world filled with fairies and frightening monsters, while also dealing with her stepfather, a sadistic brute who leads a fascist Spain. It's weird, warped, and gritty, but also beautifully well-made.

10. Inception

Christopher's Nolan complex and brilliantly-constructed science-fiction movie has baffled the minds of many. The fascinating concept---the whole movie's focus---centers on dreams and peoples' abilities to infiltrate dreams for either good or bad purposes. It's similar to hacking. Nolan reveals his idea remarkably in this captivating film, with twists and turns and details that require multiple viewings to understand. It looks cool, it's well-made, and it's a great cast.

9. Requiem for a Dream

Fast-paced, brutal, intense, but breathtaking, Requiem for a Dream is a dark, thoughtful, and mature movie brilliantly made by Darren Aronofsky. It revolves around a group of different people all dealing with the same p
roblem---drug addiction. In my opinion, kids should watch this movie as a way to stay off drugs, instead of those boring, usual "Don't Do Drugs!" programs, because drugs and their effects seem absolutely terrifying thanks to this film. From refrigerators coming alive, a disgusting, heroin-eaten arm, and insanity, it's an important movie with a message.

8. Toy Story

No matter what age, you'll love Toy Story. The entire trilogy really. It's more than just an kids' animated film. It's made to appeal to all audiences, but still remain family-friendly. Toy Story revolutionized computer animation and assured a satisfying film. Toy Story 2 glorified the immense imagination toys offer. Finally, Toy Story 3 delivered some strong messages and brought on tears. It's a great and memorable series that's entertaining, exciting, heartwarming, creative, and nostalgic simultaneously. Amazing job Pixar!

7. Star Wars

A classic. What more can I say?

6. The Godfather

Another classic. What more can I say?

5. The Shawshank Redemption

Frank Darabont's drama epic has evolved into a classic must-see. It centers on two prisoners (one played by Morgan Freeman, and you can't go wrong with that guy) who bond while trying to redeem themselves. It's a serious and realistic depiction of prison, featuring jail fights, gang rapes, suicides, and beatings. The actors give us great performances, connecting us with them emotionally. It's uplifting at times and devastating at other times, but an all around great movie.

4. The Truman Show

Jim Carrey's known as an energetic, slapstick goofball, but in The Truman Show, he doesn't go over-the-top, but doesn't stay low either. His performance is perfect and makes us connect/emphasize with his character, Truman Burbank---a cheerful, down-to-Earth man who's whole life has been televised for audiences worldwide, his small coastal town is a set, and everyone in his life are actors/actresses. It's Jim Carrey, so it's funny throughout, but surprisingly, it may leave you in tears. The concept is original, outrageous, and brilliant and it's revealed through an incredibly well-made film. 

3. Schindler's List

Get your tissue boxes ready. Schindler's List focuses on The Holocaust and is a biopic about German businessman, Oskar Schindler, who shelters hundreds of Jews in his factory for work and protects them from the Nazis. It's long (three hours!) but offers a gritty and realistic depiction of this horrible and disturbing event. Shot entirely in black-and-white, Steven Spielberg definitely went all-out on this one, and we can see it.

2. Spirited Away

Even if anime isn't your thing, you're guaranteed to be blown away by Spirited Away. Labeled critically-acclaimed anime maker, Hayao Miyazaki's best film, this movie follows a young girl on a journey into a fantasy world (reminds you on Pan's Labyrith huh?) filled with anthropomorphic creatures, mutated people, ghosts, and boys that can transform into dragons. Yeah, I know, it can be very surreal, strange, and even terrifying at times, but it's beautiful animation. It's all a fascinating plot replete with twists and turns that keep you intrigued. 

1. Forrest Gump

This movie has everything you love about a movie: Tom Hanks, drama, comedy, action, romance, and myriad reenacted historical events. What more do you want? 

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