Monday, April 14, 2014


What's an Alliteration Week? Well, I did make up the term, but this is what it basically is.

On social networks, primarily Instagram, online communities have created various days of the week that feature something about yourself. Since alliterations are somewhat easier to remember, each of these certain, special days of the week or named after the first letter of Monday through Sunday.

On the widely-popular social network Instagram, users take pictures of themselves and hashtag (#) they're photo with the abbreviations or sometimes the full-spelling of these days.

Why do people do this?

Social networks are a place where various people can connect online for various reasons.

In almost all social networks, especially the biggest and most popular ones, users usually can manipulate where they're content goes to and who sees they're content. Most of the time it's friends, family, and other people they know.

It gives your close ones a chance to get to know you better and keep up to date on your interests and life.

Today, I will explain and go in-depth on all the days of Alliteration Week.


Man Crush Monday

Commonly Hashtagged: #MCM, #mcm
Main Day of the Week: Monday
Explanation: Do you like someone who is a male? Well, then on Monday, post a picture of your favorite guy and hashtag it, whether it's a male celebrity, a lover, or a friend. Usually, it's for heterosexual women to post a picture of a man they love. Usually, for heterosexual men, they post a picture of their best male friend or a close guy friend to be funny and/or show how close they are. It's a day of masculine appreciation. 

Transformation Tuesday

Commonly Hashtagged: #TT, #tt
Main Day of the Week: Tuesday
Explanation: This day honors how much you've grown over a period of time. Most of the time, it's from a child and on. Sometimes, it's after a dramatic change. It lets people see how time has effected you, hopefully remaining or for the better.

Woman Crush Wednesday

Commonly Hashtagged: #WCW, #wcw
Main Day of the Week: Wednesday
Explanation: Do you like someone who is female? Like Man Crush Monday, Women Crush Wednesday is the day for posting a picture of your favorite gal and hashtag it, whether it's a female celebrity, a lover, or a friend. Usually, it's for heterosexual men to post a picture of a woman they love. Usually, for heterosexual women, they post a picture of their best female friend or a close girlfriend to be funny and/or show how close they are. It's a day of feminine appreciation.

Throwback Thursday

Commonly Hashtagged: #TBT, #tbt
Main Day of the Week: Thursday 
Explanation: What's a throwback? A throwback is a flashback, a blast to the past for lack of a better term. Have an old picture of you doing something back when you were really young? Post it and hashtag it and it gives other users a chance to see how much you've grown (like in Transformation Tuesday) and a usually a really fun, exciting, and memorable memory you had below the age of six or seven. 

Flashback Friday

Commonly Hashtagged: #FF, #ff
Main Day of the Week: Friday
Explanation: Exactly like Throwback Thursday. Your last chance to flashback to the good ol' days.

Saturday Shenanigans

Commonly Hashtagged: #SS, #ss
Main Day of the Week: Saturday
Explanation: For many, Saturday is the weekend. What kind of cool things to do you? Shopping? Parties? Trips? Just being lazy watching Netflix in your pajamas? Take a picture and hashtag it to tell your followers what kind of things you're up to on a free day!

Selfie Sunday

Commonly Hashtagged: #SS, #ss, #selfiesunday, #sundayselfie
Main Day of the Week: Sunday
Explanation: To finish off the week, you take a simple ol' seflie or a picture of yourself. You can make it interesting and meaningful or plain and laid-back, but it just tells your followers that you finished a week and you just want to point the camera at your face and enjoy your survival of another seven days in your life! 

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